It’s Been A While. What I've Been Doing.

It’s been ages since my last post so I want to go over what I’ve been up to the last few months. I haven't had a chance to sit down and think about I’m doing, how I’ve gotten here and what I need to change.

Life is insane. I'm not sure if I mean in a good way or a bad way. Both? Neither?  

Let's start with the good bits. I've working as a freelance workshop leader for Family Saturday at Aspex Gallery In Portsmouth. I have run 4 workshops so far. Here are some rubbish phone photos from the three!

I am really enjoying it! I've always wanted to run workshops but hadn't really thought about running them for children mainly because I don't know any. Turns out, it's a lot of fun, completely mad and chaotic but super creative and everyone seems to enjoy it. 

The workshop that worked the best so far was making a city out of cardboard. I even had feedback from the parents saying how good it was. We made houses and tower blocks that could stand up, some people even made other city elements such as cars. This was all in response to the artist exhibiting in the Gallery, Amanda Looms.

I also generally enjoy working in a gallery, something I have always thought about. It lets me surround myself with creativity and art. Unfortunately, it is only every second Saturday for a 6 month period.

That isn't paying the bills unfortunately and I didn't and don't have enough money saved to be able to go freelance at the moment. 

The main chunk of my time has been taken up by my new job at Curious Book Co. in London. Here I am a "Creative Designer". It was great that I managed to get a job straight out of Uni that has at least something creative about it and didn't mean I would have to waitress.

The downside to it is that it is in North London, well actually South Ruislip and as I live in Portsmouth, this is quite the commute. I had to buy a car which is making each trip less expensive and takes less time than the train but I also can't spend that time drawing. It means I don't spend a lot of time at home or creating. I'm trying to work out what I can do about this so fingers crossed things will improve. 

Having said all that, I have done a few small personal commissions for clients and am currently working on my last commission before I take some time to do my own projects. A few have included the 2 painting bellow that were created for a children's bedroom, a logo, a custom jacket painting and a custom design that will be printed on only one t-shirt! 

Paintings for client's daughters bedroom


One off t-shirt design. 

brokenbonescollective's profile picture
I also run the creative collective Broken Bones Collective. I love running this but am fininding it hard to make the time for this on top of it all. But I am, it's trickling in but I wish I could allocate more time to make it even better! There are some cool things that are happening with it however. I'm working towards getting the 3rd Zine done and I've even signed up some awesome team riders! They are Adam Perks aka @spaceclown87 and Adam Bush aka @adamjskates.
If you know of anyone who might want to join the team, do put them in contact. We have enough skateboarder but are looking for ALL ADRENALINE JUNKIES! 

I am researching and constantly trying to develop my "creative bank account" by listening to creatives speak, sketching when i can and even arranging to meet with artists that I admire. I am about to start reaching the industry I really want to go into and seeing how I fit in. I am working on my website which I plan to show to the AOI for a critique. I then am going to create pieces of work for the individual companies, well mock ups of what things might look like etc. 

I'm excited. What have a I got to lose? Yes I have a lack of time but now I am trying to just plan the time I do have wisely, watch less Buffy and research or draw instead. 


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